Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I believe that the movie the lion king is really good
I believe that I had chocolate cheesecake last night as part of my dinner
I believe that cholcolate is good
I believe that I can pass this smestester with an A
I believe that I can get my GPA higher than it is
I believe that I can get accepted in dental assisting school
I believe that I can be a better driver
I believe that I am animal person
I believe that marvel movies are amazing
I believe that I get to go to the beach this summer
I believe that I will have a cocktail on that beach

I believe that I am a animal person. You know why? Its cause that I have two cats and two dogs. Two of the dogs and one of the cats live in the house and the other cat lives outside ad catches our snakes and mice. i rescued oone of my cats from a dog that we had before it got hit by a car. And he is the cutest little thing he is 25 pounds of all love that lives outdies. When I was little my parents used to have a really big fish tank and they would sit me up in front of that fish tank and I would just sit their for hours and not move they would do this when they couldn’t camlm me down. I have had animals through my whole entire life I don’t remember a time when we didn’t have a dog or a cat or both in our lives. Also my granfpa has horses and I would always want to go riding when we went out therr now I can just fbare back riding and ont have to help I was walways on a horse somehow or another and I nlearned to be gentle for the time when I was in 2nd grade and I was bit my a german shepard. I dint now whenat gental was until then well I knew how to be gental but the german shepard was a stray that someone droped off at my dads work and the person didn’t tell my dad that he attck another person to.

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